1. How does this thing work?

    Updated: 2022-12-12

    Added a requirements.txt to capture dependencies and ported to MacOS.


    After 9 months I'm returning to this website. My first question was "How does this thing work?" Of course I didn't document it and I don't remember. Lesson learned.

    The things we take for granted are …

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  2. Thought At Hand


    We're all lazy, to so some extent, and prefer to think about things that are easy to understand. In order to keep your focus on what's important, recognize that people have this tendency to get distracted by what's easy. I don't have an advice beyond that -- you'll have to …

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  3. You and Your Research


    Dr. Richard W. Hamming was one of those famous guys at Bell Labs during its heyday. Throughout his later career he gave a talk titled You and Your Research which is available in various forms on the internet. I highly recommend setting aside half an hour and reading it …

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  4. Residual Networks


    Understanding the content of an image is a long-standing challenge in computer vision. In the last five years, the state-of-the art has advanced far beyond scanning checks and facial recognition to the point where, on certain benchmarks, object classification performed by a machine exceeds human level accuracy.

    A representative …

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