Other articles

  1. PyCharm

    I still use PyCharm as my daily text editor.

    IDEs like PyCharm have tons of features and the 80/20 rule applies: investing 20% effort learning the tool will get you 80% productivity. The rest is marginal gains and your effort is better spent thinking about your code.

    Here, I'll …

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  2. Enumerations

    I recently learned about Enums. Here's a fine ChatGPT example which is essentially the content of of Google search result. ChatGPT is like the old internet where you could read text on websites.


    Following is just verbatim output from the following request:

      ~ llm "give me an example of using …
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  3. It's 2023

    It's been nearly three years since I last posted an article so let's do a check in.

    What's changed?

    1. I'm using Firefox. It's fine -- nothing game changing but I like it.

    2. I adopted the Black code formatter. At first I was hesitant because I liked to tweak my code formatting …

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  4. Running Quickstart

    This is the second in a series of short articles.

    Running is fun, relaxing, a great way to experience the outdoors, and good exercise. There are no shortcuts to getting better, you have to put in the work over months and years. Distance running cultivates long-term planning, consistency, and dicipline …

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